Menu: Kenya
“Let us see, then tell.” This Kenyan saying speaks to the importance of experiencing something before you can actually speak about it. All too often on this Adventure I have seen entire countries jump to life in my mouth, simply by tasting their food. The joy that hits me when I “get” a country on the first bite – it’s like going from black and white movies to color – or silent films to talkies. Stovetop travel really does let me “see.” In lieu of plane tickets I have pots and pans. In lieu of passports I have spices. I’m so grateful. Today’s menu will take you into the heart of Kenya, bite by bite. The sweet Kenyan who corresponded with me last week gave me wings with his words – wings right into his homeland. You can take your family, too. What sounds good to you? Chapati [Recipe] This simple homemade flatbread made its way from India to Kenya, where locals traditionally use it to scoop up food with their right hand (instead of silverware). …
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