Happy Friday, everyone! Here’s a few fun facts about Bangladesh: – the country earned it’s independence in 1971. – “Bong” is a nickname for people whose mother tongue is Bengali (this applies to people in Bangladesh and some parts of India – check out Desihomecook’s comment on this post. – The weather is terribly dangerous. Floods, cyclones, tornadoes, and tidal bores are almost yearly occurrences. According to Wikipedia: In September 1998, Bangladesh saw the most severe flooding in modern world history. As the Brahmaputra, Ganges and Meghna spilt over and swallowed 300,000 houses, 9,700 kilometres (6,027 mi) of road and 2,700 kilometres (1,678 mi) of embankment 1,000 people were killed and 30 million more were made homeless with 135,000 cattle killed, 50 square kilometres (19.3 sq mi) of land destroyed and 11,000 kilometres (6,835 mi) of roads damaged or destroyed. Two-thirds of the country was underwater. There were several reasons for the severity of the flooding. Firstly, there were unusually high monsoon rains. Secondly, theHimalayas shed off an equally unusually high amount of melt water that year. Thirdly, trees that usually would have intercept rain water had been …
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The people of Bangladesh typically store their spices whole. This is because husks, shells, and pods keep spices’ sizzling potential sealed in better than any Tupperware or glass jar. To season food they simply dry roast a small batch of whole spices and then grind them into powder. Preparing spices as needed ensures food with the most vibrant, intense flavor. After all, spices dramatically lose their pungency after only 6 months (sooner if exposed to heat and sunlight). The flavor difference can be compared to making a cup of tea from a fresh tea bag or from a used tea bag. Or a handful of dust. Big difference. I know, I know. You’re thinking… but, Sasha, my spices are fine. And that’s probably true. Just … fine…. But wouldn’t you rather your spices be explosive? Outrageous? Wide-eyed wonderful? Like Michael Jackson in thriller? I thought so. One easy method for dry roasting spices: Heat a skillet over medium-low heat. (do not use a non-stick pan as the coating should never be heated up dry) Add spices and …
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In my hunt to find the perfect combination of recipes I read this old saying, “Mach-e Batth-e Bangali” (“Fish and rice make a Bengali” – “the country of Bengal” is the direct translation of Bangladesh). This saying gives a snapshot of what daily meals are like on the river delta where fish are plentiful and rice is handy. If you have time a pot of Basmati rice goes wonderfully with this menu. Other great sides include naan and chapati breads. PS. The potatoes were hot. Not advised for children, unless you are ok with the side effect: laser eyes. Potato Curry (Aloor Dom/Aloo Dum) [Recipe] Small red potatoes cooked in a blend of spices including cardamom, cinnamon, red chili powder, ginger paste, and onion. Fish and leeks in Hot Mustard Sauce (Sorse Bata Diya Maach) [Recipe] Even when marinated overnight, a hearty fish like trout or salmon holds up to a spice bath of turmeric, mustard, cumin, garam masala, cilantro, ginger, and garlic. Spinach Bhaji (Palong Shaak Bhaji) [Recipe] Spinach stir-fried with panch phoron, the Bangladeshi 5 …
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Once in a while I hear a word which causes the most curious knee-jerk reaction harking back to my formative school years. For example, whenever I hear the word “Bangladesh” my mind automatically and violently spits back “Dhaka!!!!!” Take this to be a testament to my 7th grade geography teacher. Similar reactions occur when I hear Lima (Peru!!!!!), or Bhutan (Thimphuuuuuu!!!!). The exclamations marks are subtle compared to how passionately these words materialize. Once out of my subconscious, they rattle around my brain for hours, like a song you can’t get out of your head. So here we are in Bangladesh (Dhaka!!!!) where the climate is tropical and the weather is sunny with alternating floods, droughts, and typhoons. Although more than half of GDP is generated through the service sector, about 45% of Bangladeshis are employed in the agriculture sector, with rice as the single-most-important product. (Source: CIA World FactBook) Let’s talk a bit about their food. Generally speaking, the food of Bangladesh is reminiscent of Northern Indian and Middle Eastern food. Some of the spiciest …
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This is meal #11 in my personal challenge to eat one meal from every country in the world. “Hey, wait a minute!” Brian said. Startled, I looked from him, to his fiancée, to my husband. We were standing in the kitchen. I was pouring drinks and telling them about the Azerbaijani food we were about to eat. “What?” I asked. Brian didn’t answer immediately; he was scanning my kitchen. I followed his gaze nervously, wondering if I’d missed a spill. The counters were clear. The dishwasher was running. Maybe that was the problem. The dishwasher was a little loud, I thought. “Oh, I’m sorry, I can run this later,” I said, pulling the door open. The rythmic swish of the water stopped suddenly. There was a pause while we shifted in the new silence. “No – where’s the,” and he trailed off, looking at the empty stove top. “The food?” I asked, finishing his sentence, laughing with relief. “It’s under control.” I pulled a tray of raw lamb kabobs from the fridge and headed to the …
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Serves 4 This dessert combines crunchy almond pieces with creamy custard. I learned from my Global Table dinner people either love or hate the contrast of texture. Enjoy with hot tea. Ingredients: 3/4 cup slivered almonds 2.5 cups milk 1/4 cup sugar 1 Tbsp butter 1/8 cup semolina 1/4 tsp ground cinnamon 1 tsp rose water pinch saffron, crushed slivered almonds & cinnamon – garnish Method: 1. Finely grind the almonds in the bowl of a food processor. Heat ground almonds with milk and sugar. Bring to a boil, to infuse the almond flavor into the milk. Remove from heat and let cool slightly. 2. Meanwhile, in a medium saucepan, toast semolina in butter, stirring for a few minutes. 3. Add milk mixture to semolina in a smooth, steady stream. Simmer, uncovered for about 15-20 minutes or until thickened like pudding. Add saffron and cinnamon. NOTE: If you let this boil by accident, the bubbles are like volcanos. The lava pudding can give quite a burn. Don’t ask me how I know… 4. Stir in …
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Makes 12 large meatballs In this case, spiced means seasoned, not hot. Serve with rice pilaf … or stick on toothpicks for a finger food at a party (just put the sauce in a little bowl in the center). Ingredients: For the meatballs: 3/4 lb ground beef, 85% lean 3/4 lb ground lamb 1 large onion, grated 1 egg 2 Tbsp ice water 1/4 cup dry bread crumbs 1/2 tsp ground allspice 1/2 tsp hot Hungarian Paprika (for mild, increase for hot) 1 tsp dried mint 1 – 1 1/2 tsp salt 1 tsp pepper For the Sauce: 2 cup chicken stock 1/2 cup pomegranate concentrate (available at natural grocers) 1/2 tsp black pepper 2 Tbsp honey Method: For the meatballs: 1. Combine onion, egg, water, bread crumbs, allspice, paprika, mint, salt and pepper in a small bowl. 2. Pour onion mixture over ground beef and lamb. Using hands, squish everything around until all the seasonings are evenly dispersed. 3. Chill meatball mixture for an hour. 4. Shape meatballs and place on a foil-lined baking …
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Serves 6-8 These spicy kabobs are wonderful for lunch or a light dinner. The cayenne provides medium heat, add up to a 1/2 tsp more to make them spicy. Ingredients: 1 3/4 lbs ground lamb 2 medium onions, grated 4 cloves garlic, crushed 1 tsp ground cumin 2 tsp dried mint 1/4 cup chopped, fresh parsley 1/2 tsp cayenne pepper 1 1/2 tsp salt 1 tsp pepper 1 tsp paprika Optional Accompaniments: Lavash flatbread Pita Bread Sliced red onion sliced tomatoes fresh sprigs of parsley, mint, and tarragon yogurt and/or yogurt sauce Method: 1. In a small bowl, combine grated onion, garlic, cumin, mint, parsley, cayenne, salt, pepper, and paprika. 2. Add ground lamb to a large mixing bowl. Add onion mixture. Knead into the lamb, making sure to evenly disperse the spices and ingredients. 3. Shape lamb onto skewers, making sausage shapes. I found it easier to use 2 skewers per sausage because the meat has a tendency to roll around just one skewer. Flat skewers can help, but I didn’t have any. The …
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Serves 6 I almost didn’t make this pilaf because there were so many steps. I went out on a limb because I figured Azeri’s must know how to cook basmati rice better than me. I was right. This is a great rice dish, buttery and delicately perfumed with saffron. Ingredients: 2 Potatoes 2 cups basmati rice 2 tsp salt 1/4 cup water 2 sticks butter 1 tsp saffron threads, soaked in a Tbsp of hot water. optional garnish: fresh mint leaves Method: For the potato crust: 1. Slice 2 potatoes thinly. Mix water with 4 Tbsp melted butter. Pour into the bottom of a large skillet or pan that has a tight-fitting lid. 2. Line the bottom of the pan with potato slices, fitting them close together without overlapping. Mine overlap a little because the sloped sides of my pan caused them to slide down – the crust still turned out fine, so don’t worry too much about this. 3. Cook over medium heat for 5-10 minutes, or until the potatoes soften and begin to turn …
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About Azerbaijan from Anar GARIBOV on Vimeo. I adore this video! Also: I read the most fascinating fact in this article by Laura Kelley about Azeri food and culture: Like Georgia, Azerbaijan has a wide variety of climatic zones as well. In fact, nine of eleven climatic zones are represented, and in Azerbaijan one can simultaneously see all four seasons just by traveling from one end of the country to the other. High mountains, fertile foothills growing tea and citrus, dry steppes, luxurious forests, and Caspian shores—Azerbaijan has it all! So, in addition to a long history of foreign occupation, a widely varied climate has led to one of western Asia’s most diverse cuisines. Full Article
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Sharbat: When the summer sun roasts everything from the birds, to the bees, Azerbaijani enjoy Sharbat drink, a traditional, fruity nectar whose name evokes the refreshing dessert, Sherbet. This drink is chilled, not frozen, however. Popular flavors include pomegranate, cherry, mint, and lemon. The drink can also be flavored with saffron, honey, and basil seeds. Canned soda is gaining popularity, however, threatening to push this homemade drink to the back of dusty shelves. Ovhsala: Ovshala, or rose petal drink, is popular throughout the Caucus. Rose petals are literally plucked from fresh roses, boiled with lemon juice, and sweetened with sugar. Make this drink with your family and friends as a fun summer project, instead of traditional lemonade! Just be sure to use flowers from your garden, not the chemical-sprayed roses from florists and grocery stores. Plov: Azerbaijani enjoy more than 40 kinds of Plov, or rice pilaf. Plov is served at special gatherings, including weddings, and is considered the true test of a cook’s skill. Many include crusts, such as the potato crust, pictured above …
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Glorious meatballs, bathing in hearty, simmering sauce, can be found all over the world. Some meatballs are a meal unto themselves, requiring a knife and fork, while others are delicate, dainty droplets – more garnish than substance. Although most people enjoy a good meatball, entirely too much effort goes into making them. Intended to be comfort food, even homemade street-food, meatballs should not be an all day affair. Here are my simple tips for how to make great meatballs, from any country. 1. Roast the meatballs, don’t fry them. I’ve ruined at least 4 cute shirts by pan-frying batch, after batch of meatballs. Oil spatters not only ruin shirts, but also burn skin, grease up the stove top, and yellow surrounding walls. Not to mention the time it takes to carefully rotate each meatball. One. By. One. Usually, the little balls get beat up in the process and end up with flat sides, like the skulls of babies who aren’t given enough tummy time. To roast meatballs, all you have to do is lay them on …
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