All posts filed under: Food Culture by Country

About the Food of the Dominican Republic

Fancy a trip to the Alps? The Dominican Alps? That’s right. Smack dab in the heart of the Dominican Republic, far away from the ‘all inclusive’ resorts and pristine beaches,  are the tallest peaks in the Caribbean. Clinging to their sides are cool wooded forests composed, primarily, of pine trees. In the spring, a dedicated hiker may even be rewarded with clusters of sweet strawberries. I never thought learning about the D.R. – situated on a tropical island – would make me homesick for New England, but there it is. I’m ready for the first flight back. In case you aren’t a fan of fresh evergreen scents, you can swim in the billowing pools of Dominca’s waterfalls, or simply sit back and do nothing but sip on a cup of café con leche (coffee with milk) – a dream to end all dreams, as I sit here in a wool sweater, toes frozen, watching snow roll past my window. Speaking of coffee, let’s talk about food. If you look in any Domincan’s fridge you’ll find …

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About the food of Dominica

A-hoy mate… raaawr… huh? What? No, really. Combine Pirates of the Caribbean and Jurassic Park and you’ve got a fair charicature of Dominca. This Caribbean island (with zero relation to the Dominican Republic) is odd as far as the Caribbean goes. The island looks like a “land-before-time,” filled with colossal green mountains, sky-scraper trees, and waterfalls that dangle like crystal chandeliers. There’s not much in the way of soft sandy beaches but there’s no shortage of mind-blowing outdoor excursions either, hence the nickname “Nature Lover’s Island.” So where do the pirates come in? Well, for starters real pirates loved to hang out in Dominca because, as the last island to be colonized (due to the difficult mountain terrain), it was considered “no-man’s-land.” That’s right folks. Once upon a time there was looting and shooting and merriment around the town.  More recently, Pirates of the Caribbean was shot on Dominca, utilizing the extraordinary backdrop of stringy, drippy tree-trunks and swampy waterways. So what about the food? One “jumpy” contender stands out thanks to the lush vegetation …

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About the Food of Djibouti

Djibouti: if you’re pronouncing the name of this African country right, English-speaking people will raise their eyebrows. Try it out – “dja booty.” The word has had endless inappropriate puns associated with it. But let’s move past the unusual name… to the unusual food situation. According to doctor’s without borders, less than 1/2 of 1 percent of the small, arid landscape can be farmed. As a result, most food is imported and expensive. I’ve read accounts of eggs costing seven dollars a dozen. Seven dollars! Meals are a blend of Middle Eastern, Somali, French, and other regional influences. Imagine slaughtering your own meat. Would you have the stomach for it? In Djibouti, the practice is fairly common – meat is purchased “living” and then, when feast day arrives, the animal is slaughtered and prepared. Lamb is particularly popular and is served in association with special holidays such as the Islamic one, Eid al-Adha. The national dish, called Skoudekharis, is a one pot dish of rice and includes generous portions of lamb [Recipe]. I found an incredible blog by the mom …

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About the Food of Denmark

Why Denmark, why? Just when I start to think the winters in Tulsa are dark and bitter cold, I learn about Denmark…and my heart breaks a little. You see, Denmark beats anything we’ve got going on in Tulsa. Situated way up in northern Europe, winter is not just a season in their great country, but a state of being. In the time up to Christmas, sunlight is scarce. The winter solstice on 22 December marks the shortest day of the year where the sun rises as late as 8:39 and sets as early as 15:36. That’s 3:36 pm, for those of you who don’t read military time… which makes 17 hours of darkness. Yikes. But where’s theres darkness, the Danes bring their own light. In fact, the winter season is alloted comfort and joy in the form of cozy fireplaces, warm candlelight, and good food. They call this warm, tranquil atmosphere “Hygge” and it is an integral part of Danish culture. From what I’ve read, the best way to warm up on a cold winter’s night …

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About the food of the Czech Republic

There’s only one reason to go outside when temperatures drop below freezing: to enjoy the thrill of hot food thawing you out when you come home. Otherwise, I vote for staying in bed all day, snuggled under a comforter, watching chick flicks… or dude flicks (do they even make those?). Thankfully, the Czech Republic has many wonderful foods for bitterly cold winter days.  This means that I’ll be able to leave the house this week. Hurrah! The Czech Republic is in eastern Europe where summers are hot and winters are c-c-c-cold. The nation consumes dishes loaded with all manner of potatoes and cabbage, as well as stews and roasts.  Think rugged, down-home cooking. Typical of many eastern European countries, the Czech Republic uses sour cream as a thickener, dipper, topper.. you name it, sour cream is in it. They also enjoy caraway seed and dill as principal seasoning agents. You won’t believe it (I almost don’t believe it), but I dug up a dish that includes more than half of these ingredients: Potato & Pickle Soup …

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About the Food of Cyprus

Psst… does your heart ache? Even just a little? I’ve got the cure: take a tour of Cyprus. In this gloriously mountainous Mediterranean island even the loneliest heart will find love in the air and on the beaches. In fact, legend has it that Aphrodite, the Greek Goddess of love, was born amidst the crashing waves and sandy shores of Cyprus. Befitting this romantic legacy, the Cypriot have a fascinating habit of cooking food in red wine. Almost anything can get a long slow simmer in the stuff – pork chops, potatoes, or even squid. The red color bleeds into the food making a rosy statement perfect for any date night. Most Cypriot food is an alluring blend of Greek, Turkish, and Middle Eastern cuisine – you’ll find staples such as oregano, olive oil, lamb, cucumber, yogurt and eggplant mixed on menus with such delicacies as octopus or squid. Once the romance of Cyprus grabs hold of you, celebrate with a dish fit for any holiday table. Oh, and I just happen to know the …

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About the Food of Cuba

Beam me up, Scotty. I’m ready for incredible stews, rich soups, and mind-blowing sandwiches. I’m ready for Cuba. Heck – it isn’t even all that spicy. Just flavorful goodness. Count me in. Most of my Cuban research kept linking me back to Florida. There’s one big reason – the size of Cuba (it is the largest country in the Caribbean)- and one simple reason – how close it is to Florida. Still authentic Cuban food has a distinct identity, whether it is enjoyed on the island or in the United States. That being said, let’s start with the famous Cuban Sandwich (recipe). Incredible.  Soft, fresh Cuban bread is a must (recipe), which is then topped with roast pork, ham, pickles, mustard, and swiss cheese. Some include salami and provolone. Others shout blasphemy. Either way, they all get pressed like a panini and toasted through and through. While I’m always in the mood for a good sandwich, you might not be. So be it.  There’s more goodness to be found. Cuba is one of several countries …

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About the Food of Croatia

Croatia is a rambling collection of mountains and forests with bursts of plains which hide secrets of scrumptious food, wonderful olive oil and tasty, age-old wine. But what about bad wine? Well, if you happen upon such a dismal thing as a bottle of bad wine on their turf, the Croatians (and other nearby countries) know what to do. The remedy includes coca cola or fanta. You’ll just have to wait a week to find out what Mr Picky and I think about that! (Officially, you’ll have to wait another 20 years to get Ava’s take on the whole thing. If you leave it up to me? You ‘ll have to wait another 98.9 years.) Thanks to a meandering and lengthy coastline, eastern Croatia boasts an abundance of seafood, including oysters, shrimp, and other fresh fish.  Eating fish must be like breathing – the houses on the shore literally seem to float on the water. Incredible. For those who like the old standbys our grandmother’s loved, salt cod – literally fish dried and stored in a …

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About the Food of Côte d’Ivoire (Ivory Coast)

Last week a gal named Linda emailed me. Turns out she’s from the Ivory Coast and an alum from Wesleyan University, my alma mater. Get this – she wanted to know if she could share some of her favorite recipes from back home with me. Oh happy day! In case you’re wondering, my answer is always “yes”! The more authentic dishes we can sample from actual locals, the more fun this Adventure will be! Thanks to Linda (and a few of her friends), this week’s Global Table is going to be especially grand! From skyscrapers, to mud huts with thatched roofs, the Ivory Coast has it all. This west African country is deeply imbued with French food and culture. In fact, French is still the national language. Over the phone, Linda shared details about her country with me, trailing along a beautiful, thick accent that reflects this history. I’ll be honest. Thanksgiving has been on my mind, so I begged Linda for some ideas. Linda didn’t disappoint. She tells me that there is a dish that …

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About the Food of Costa Rica

Lush, tropical greens and mouthwash blue waters make Costa Rica a stunning destination. Eating a typical “Tican” meal is incredibly easy, even if one doesn’t have access to latino markets. The most common dish is gallo pinto (or black beans and rice). This dish often made from leftover rice and seasoned with a little onion and garlic, as well as a healthy splash of Worcestershire sauce (or Salsa Lizano). A great accompaniment for eggs, this filling dish is often found on the Tican breakfast table. For those who love potatoes, Gallitos de Papas are a must-try. Indeed, these paprika and garlic infused cubes of potato delight are another great accompaniment to eggs. Typically, however, they are served in a corn tortilla. Carb on carb – seems logical to me! 🙂 Since I know some of you are getting palpatations just thinking about all those carbs, have no fear. Costa Ricans are known for fresh salads – including a wonderful Heart of Palm Salad (palmitos) which includes any number of veggies – such as tomato, cucumber, lettuce, and …

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About the food of Comoros, the Congo, and the Democratic Republic of Congo

I’ve been known to do things out of order. Once in a while I’ll  even eat my dessert before dinner. Well… this week I mistakenly skipped the entire country of Comoros. I had no idea. My head was in the clouds.  I did all my shopping on Friday and spent Saturday cooking the Congo (with what limited time Ava’s nap allows, anyway). Our Congolese meal was barely over when I decided to crack open my atlas to see what country was next. And thus, my error revealed itself. I’m a wee little bit obsessive so I decided to buck up and cook Comoros anyway. That same night. What can I say. I didn’t want to screw up my nice, neat little A-Z list. The result? You’ll get three great Global Table meals in one week! The bonus? I’ve built in a little holiday vacation from my world cooking Adventures for Thanksgiving and Christmas. About the food of Comoros Comoros is made up of three small islands off the southeast shores of Africa. While the food is …

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About the Food of Colombia

At the tippity-top of South America sits the great country called Colombia. Colombians benefit from a varied landscape, from mountains and rainforest – typical of South America, to sun-bleached Caribbean beaches. To quote National Geographic (and the prettiest sentence I’ve read in recent history – it actually makes me hungry for sand)… Wedged between Venezuela to the east, Brazil to the south, and the Caribbean to the north, it’s the only country in South America whose sugared beaches are lapped by both the Atlantic and Pacific. If this sentence also made you hungry, Colombian food will satisfy. Aside from their world famous coffee, the food and drink is hearty and plentiful. Eggs and meat provide the basis for most meals. Avocado and corn also contribute to an endless bounty of salads, dressings, sauces, tamales, and breads. The “national dish” is considered bandeja paisa, a giant platter filled with meats, sausages, fried eggs, beans, rice, fried plantains, salad, and cornmeal fritters. I’m not exactly sure how all that food could possibly count for just one dish! …

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