Here, where it all began…

I’ve been rolling memories of this blog around in my head, like a loose tooth.

I reminisce late at night, when I can’t sleep. Ironically, this is how our adventure began more than seven years ago: Restless, at midnight. I’ll always remember waking Keith in the middle of that brittle February night to tell him I wanted to cook every country. And – love him – he agreed.

More than a place to store recipes from every country, this web site has since become our family’s digital home. Photos in nearly every recipe reveal our changing lives. A baby girl transforming into a young woman; my black hair turning more salt than pepper, then black again; my husband and I, married the better part of a decade.

Time passes, time passes, time passes. And still time passes.

When this all began, I was a novice cook, writer, and photographer. Over the years I grew my culinary chops, learned to spin a phrase, grew adept at taking photos, and made friends along the way. Global Table Adventure became a sandbox for families and students who want to explore food from every country. I made friends with Rick Steves. I published my memoir through National Geographic. Christopher Kimball interviewed me on Milk Street Radio.

Oh, yes.  This blog surpassed my every expectation and dream. In many ways it would be easy to continue churning out charming global cooking posts.

Except it isn’t easy. Not any more.

Life changes, almost without notice.

Ava had a double hernia surgery and changed schools in first grade. Keith’s father battled cancer last year. Family and friends got married. Family and friends passed away. Just last month, Keith had cancer removed from his face.

Remember how, in my memoir, I talked about not knowing how to be happy? About waiting for the “other shoe to drop”? Yeah.

Something about all this change is causing me to shrink back, slow down, and savor the time I have with the people I love. It also has an effect on the kind of work I want to put into the world. Land must lay fallow to produce something good; so, too, must I. I no longer want to chase a daily, weekly, or even monthly blog post schedule, but prefer to work quietly and deeply on the projects that speak most forcefully to my heart.

Even the artist Picasso went through distinct creative periods – periods where he pivoted, shifted, threw his palate out and began again. My name might not be Picasso, but I do find myself reaching for something other than international food. Like Picasso – who went through a blue period and a rose period and even cubism and surrealism and, yes, periods when he lay fallow – I feel called to create in new and daring ways – in ways that correspond to my life right now and, especially, in ways that serve my local community.

Some of it will involve international food and peace. And some of it won’t. Some of it will be a challenge, while some of it will simply be good for the heart.

Here’s a snapshot of my life right now

I’m writing a fantasy novel.
I’m growing cantaloupe in the garden.
I am a Research Fellow at the University of Tulsa.
I’m learning to make a great cup of coffee.
I’m learning to make a great loaf of sourdough.
I volunteer at my daughter’s school.
I am a foster youth advocate.
I go to the Renaissance Fair.

I practice yoga.
I write poetry.
I sew.

Even the kitchen is changing – the very place I cooked the world is expanding, changing, evolving… nothing stays the same forever.

Sharing these sorts of updates here would be confusing to the scores of families and students who come to this site for purposes of global enrichment. So I’m handing over the keys to YOU my sweet, Global Table Adventurers. This is your site – to cook from, to learn from, to use as you see fit. I’ll be doing the same thing – digging through the archives for dinner and party ideas.

So. I’ve said my piece. And I’ve said my peace. For seven years. Now I know what I’m supposed to do. Just walk away. Move on.

Except it isn’t ever that simple, is it?

I can’t completely disappear. I care about this community too much. You’ll always be able to find my latest at and on Instagram. If you’re on my email list, I’ll reach out about new projects (if not, you can subscribe on I won’t be creating recipes or blogging there – at least, not right now. And if I ever do, I won’t spend hours and hours building content. The site’s purpose will be to let you know about my art – it won’t be the art.

Meanwhile, the enormous “Global Table” this site represents will always be set – for you, for me, for the whole world. There’s room enough for all at the table: Remember to create space for each other’s ideas and fears and dreams. We are all humans. We all deserve dignity and respect.

We create peace when we learn about each other, when we understand one another.

And that’s the biggest Adventure of all.
Stay curious. Live with appetite.

With tears of love and gratitude,
Sasha, Keith, and Ava


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