Spiced Peanut Powder | Kan Kan Kan

Makes about 1/2 cup

This is my own version of the jarred Kan Kan Kan spice blend popular in Burkina Faso. The raw peanut powder offers a slight grassy flavor, dominated by heat from the chili powder and saltiness from the bouillon. Try with our Grilled Lamb Brochettes. While the jarred stuff alleges to be an aphrodisiac, I happened upon the description of this spice blend on an expat blog which – unfortunately -I can no longer track down. I mixed it together to taste. If you want the aphrodisiac, you’ll want to add a lot more ingredients, like ginger, mustard seed, and cinnamon.

NOTE: Peanut powder and Maggi cubes can be found at African markets. I went to Tulsa’s local Tropical market.


1/2 cup peanut powder
1 tsp chili powder
1/4 tsp allspice
2 Maggi bouillon cubes or 2 tsp powdered bouillon


Take all ingredients and mix together in a small bowl.

If you use maggi cubes, crush them with the back of the spoon.

If, like me, you accidentally buy SHRIMP flavored maggi cubes and don’t notice until you take a picture, you’ll need an alternate plan.

Notice the word “Crevette” on the wrapper? That’s French for shrimp.


Just do like I did. Put all the other ingredients – except for the shrimp Maggi cube – in the bowl. Take the pretty picture.

Then run around for 45 minutes looking for powdered bouillon in the wee hours of the morning.

I’ll save you a few trips – drug stores have the stuff.

Who knew?

Doesn’t it look like powdered gold?

The final goods can be sprinkled on any grilled meats, just like they do in West Africa.

Spiced Peanut Powder | Kan Kan Kan
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The raw peanut powder offers a slight grassy flavor, dominated by heat from the chili powder and saltiness from the bouillon. Try with our Grilled Lamb Brochettes.
Spiced Peanut Powder | Kan Kan Kan
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The raw peanut powder offers a slight grassy flavor, dominated by heat from the chili powder and saltiness from the bouillon. Try with our Grilled Lamb Brochettes.
  • 1/2 cup peanut powder
  • 1 tsp chili powder
  • 1/4 tsp ground allspice
  • 2 tsp powdered bouillon , or 2 Maggi bouillon cubes
  1. Take all ingredients and mix together in a small bowl. If you use Maggi cubes, crush them with the back of the spoon.
Recipe Notes

NOTE: Peanut powder and Maggi cubes can be found at African markets.

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