
Saudi Lamb “Pizza” | Aysh abu Laham

In Saudi Arabia, there’s an old saying “A friend is known when needed.” In other words, when you need help, true friends show up. They might ask “Can I do anything?”, but more than likely they’ll simply roll up their sleeves and get to work. Because the answer is clear, yes, you need them. A true friend quietly brings over a covered casserole after you’ve given birth to your first child. They take your child to the park so you can sleep off a fever. They silence their phone and hold your hand until you’re done crying. Their heart breaks when your heart breaks. They laugh with you until happy tears roll down your cheeks again. That’s true friendship. As for the rest? They’re just there for the pizza.  Oh, don’t lose hope. One day this, too, could change.  After all, pizza is the gateway food for true friendship. All good friendships have a slice or two in their history. Pizza is one of those late night, snacky bites that magically draws community around it. The simple act of reaching …

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Chilean Rolls | Pan Amasado

Serves 8 A cross between a yeast roll and a biscuit, pan amasado has a crispy exterior and slightly doughy interior. Ingredients: 2 tsp yeast 1 Tbsp sugar 3/4 cup warm water 3 ½ cups all purpose flour 1 1/2 teaspoon salt ½ Cup shortening, softened Method: Mix yeast, sugar and water together. Set aside. Add flour, salt, and shortening to the bowl of an electric mixer. Lard gives the dough rich fatty flavor, but shortening is okay too. Salt makes the flavor pop. Knead together until the shortening breaks up into pea-sized pieces. Add in the frothy, yeasty mixture. Knead with dough hook until the sides scrape clean. If you need a little more water or flour, adjust as necessary. Let rise for about 3 hours, covered and in a draft-free spot. Here’s what it looks like after the rise: Knead it as smooth as you can. I didn’t do a great job at this, so my biscuits are a bit shaggy looking.  Spend some time on this step and you can have really …

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